So, the first performance of Saundaryalahari 3 v.1 has taken place at the IMMSANE Zurich Congress on 2nd October. Firstly, the performance was much different than anticipated: there were some technical issues in the incredible ZHdK Dolby Atmos theatre where it took place, in that the cinema projector did not want to resolve the analogue PAL signal coming from the Blackmagic interface. Ultimately, this prevented very much (or any) rehearsing to take place. The performance really was just a test of how useful the notation and system worked.
I’m happy to say that it went extremely well and the feedback I have received from the performance by the audience expressed positivity in the form, “roundedness” and maturity of the piece. The audience sat patiently and aptly for more than 40 minutes!
The notated music score is here
Click the image to stream the performance below.