Online improvisation with Nicola and Yati 05.02.2021

Tonight was an improvisation session with cellist Nicola Baroni; this time working with the new feedback systems together with the geometric audio effect formations. Unlike last session, in which I used an envelope follower to alter the effect outline of the visuals, I sent the signals instead to the VCOs of the 3Trins which created a more complex sort of visualisation feedback. This was not as effective in relaying the visual information online, especially since there is a lag on the performer’s end. Never-the-less, the layering of the active formations in the form was very pleasing and at times almost like a hand-drawn animation or like the forms of Walter Ruttman from the early 20th century. We will aim to attempt the next session with perhaps a mix of techniques from the last session.

Note: the interface on Nicola’s end was acting up, so the signal is not very clean. This is an experimental recording but also nice to watch!

(click on the image below to stream the 10min improvisation)