The current system allows for online monitoring and visual feedback to the player via Zoom. Its all working!
Now the work begins: to establish a properly reactive and intuitive visual feedback system. The current new system sends the audio through a pitch and envelope follower to send to various 3D parameters. These react smoothly and rather slowly, so as to not oversaturate the visual feedback.
The issue of timbre is a complex one, and there seems to be no better solution that to use Pixivisor to visually represent this. This is because Timbre and distortions of resonance are particularly complex in resonant instruments such as a cello. Pixivisor has - when properly tuned - an almost analogue representation of this phenomenon, rather like an oscillascope, so that the player can feel the organic nature of the sound when playing to the visuals.
The following is 11mins of playing (click the picture below to watch the video) with various settings to establish a reactivity. Nicola was pleased with the reactivity of the envelope follower - and he is such an excellent musician that the visual delay he encountered had little effect on his playing!